TiddLy inks summer card challenge


I am very new to the wonderful images to be found over at Tiddly Inks. I have used Spring Wryn that was a free image given to members of kitandclowder.com. I love colouring with Alyce who gives us such brilliant lessons and links to artists. If you want a new craft community that is uplifting and encouraging then there is no better place so go check out her Facebook group. I feel I enjoy colouring far more and I can see a great improvement. I look forward to sharing this make on the group.


I really love the cute digital image and was so happy to have the day to colour and craft. I started by finding an old lesson by Alyce and followed a bit of the skin technique trying to get that smooth finish we all want. I added the eyebrows myself  and opted for lovely golden blonde hair that at one point looked a very scary ginger. Lots of patience and use of Sand and White and cream coloured prismalcolor pencils and finally i was happy with the colour. i went back to add more texture with siena brown then light umber. I loved colouring the flowers some a pink blend others more orange/red then a few yellow to pop on the page.


The dress went  very wrong with a red and blue turning horrible brown but i eventually got the purple velvet look. I cut her and a flower out to decoupage but needed to first colour the background and the outer edge of Wryn so that once layered up no white paper would show. I used Pinflair glue giving a good height with less of a struggle than using foam pads. The glue dries clear and can give height to even fine areas such as a strand of hair or her legs at the bottom. I highly recommend this silicon glue for easy decoupage.


So finally i went over the black lines as the colouring had faded more the lines to blue and the words could barely be seen. First i worked on the bees with their swirly trails then I very carefully re wrote the beautiful sentiment keeping my pencil sharp and working slowly.


hope you like my design and why not check out Tiddly inks for great cute digi images.



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